We can conclude from this portion of Scripture is that:
- God loves everyone, not just the believer.
- All are included in His redemptive work.
- All qualify for redemption and salvation in Jesus Christ.
Does this mean that ultimately everyone is or will automatically be saved, born- again and on their way to heaven? (Which is what inclusionists and universalists claim!)
As much as we may dislike the thought, the answer is no; Only when one believes does he or she receive what Jesus qualified them for!
How does one receive this wonderful salvation and eternal life for which they are already qualified for?
It is clear:
By believing and expressing such belief from the heart, one receives this awesome redemption!
Salvation in Jesus Christ is an OBJECTIVE REALITY for all but only becomes an individual’s SUBJECTIVE REALITY when they respond to it!
Universalism says that everyone will ultimately end up saved in heaven (also known as ‘ultimate reconciliation’).
Inclusionism says that everyone has already being saved (also known as ‘historical reconciliation’) and will therefore end up in heaven.
Conclusively they both make the interpretational mistake of negating one’s freewill and choice involved in receiving God’s wonderful and gracious salvation, and this is why inclusionism and universalism DO NOT make sense and are incongruent with the Gospel Truth!
Copyright 2013 © Redemption in Jesus with Marco Bravo